SISTEMA offers electrical switchboards based on robust, compact and flexible solutions suitable for the demanding conditions of the marine and offshore industry. Our modular system meets and exceeds the requirements of IEC 61439-1/2 and complies with the standards of the IACS international ship classification societies in marine and offshore applications
SISTEMA delivered 4(four) low-voltage electrical cabinets 4000A and 4(four) water-cooled 4MVA 11kV/0.69kV for the deck equipment of the ship cranes for the installation of wind farms
Delivery of 4 container modules with a power of 630kVA and 1MVA for the needs of powering the deck equipment and the compact design of the electrical equipment of the ships engine room
Delivery of a complete set of electrical cabinets with auxiliary equipment for 75 boats for fish farms
SISTEMA manufactured and delivered a "ship to shore" power supply system with a power of 1.6MVA with the possibility of an input voltage of 10-20kV 50Hz and an output of 400/600V 50Hz and 440/690V 60 Hz in a custom-made container design with forced air cooling.
Supply of stainless steel low voltage circuit board for deck equipment 4000A
Delivery of 3 complete sets of low-voltage electrical cabinets of soft starters 315kW
Delivery of 118 power cabinets, lighting and starter motors for one of the worlds largest dredging ships with a power of 41MW
SISTEMA delivered 10 (ten) sets of electrical cabinets for ships - Patrol boats, Ships for fish farm service, Fire boats, Ships for emergency transport of patients at sea